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- 2009-May-09.
.The process to complete the fiefs map is in progress, after that i'll begin to impletement provinces and clans data.
.There's now 125 fiefs done, 30 provinces need to be completed with fiefs.
.The database of the clans, clan members and retainers has been updated:
-3 clans have been added: Ashikaga (Shôgun clan - not playable), Emperor (not reallly a clan and of course not playable too) and Hatano. There's now 24 clans in the game
-4 clan members have been added, there's now 82 clan members in total.
-2 clan retainers have been added, there's now 116 clan retainers in total.
- 2009-Apr-27.
.The development start again after 6 month, because of real life event (job).
.Some technical details were been updated, the game is now compiled with FreePascal 2.2.4 and the 0.26.2 version of the vampyre imaging library.
- 2008-Oct-16.
.The game is now fully localized, and all future user's interface element will be, it use an XML file which store all the ui's text (english and french only for now but it's easily extendable).
.The main window size and position is stored.
.The read/write routines of the configuration file is finalized, and a bug is corrected for the Linux version concerning the file location.
- 2008-Oct-14.
.There will be a first release (with source code) when i'll complete some basic interface.
.The complete map of Japan is updated.
.There's now 121 fiefs, 33 provinces need to be completed with fiefs.
.The database of the clans, clan members and retainers has been updated:
-3 clans have been added: Asakura, Kitabake and Yamana. There's now 21 clans in the game
-12 clan members have been added, there's now 78 clan members in total.
-45 clan retainers have been added, there's now 114 clan retainers in total.
.The user's interface is updated, it show now the complete map and resize it automatically when the main window is updated, centering correctly the map.
.NSJ store it's game configation in a XML file, contained in \Documents and Settings\"user"\My documents\Nihon Sengoku Jidai for Windows and /home/"user"/.nsjidai for Linux.
Nihon Sengoku Jidai is a Strategy game about the Japan Warring States era in 16th century.
This game is directly inspired from Nobunaga's Ambition II, from Koei.
You'll be at the head of one of the several warlord clans, from Akechi to Ukita and you'll try to lead it to the Japan reunification.
The game start at year 1525 and end in 1600. Each game turn representing 1 month. The seasons are taken into account and have an influence on many things as the battles.
There's 24 Clans for now in the game, 21 are playable because the Toki / Saitô clan go to it's end and is useless to play, the Emperor and Shogun are actors, and have a key role, in the game but can't be played.
The full, but not complete yet, list is:
Asai, Asakura, Ashikaga (Shôgun clan, not playable), Date, Emperor (not playable), Hatano, Hôjô, Hosokawa, Imagawa, Kitabake, Matsudaira, Mogami, Murakami, Nagao, Oda, Ogasawara, Shimazu, Suwa, Takatô, Takeda, Toki / Saitô (not playable), Tôyama, Uesugi and Yamana.
There's 82 clan's members for now in total, and 116 retainers from many famillies as the Yamagata or Ikeda. And these lists are growing.

Map and GUI updated in the win32 version |

First screenshot for the linux version |

First screenshot for the win32 version |
Content 2
This game is opensource and distributed freely, it's available both on Windows and Linux. It is developped on FreePascal/Lazarus with Vampyre 2D library, and use native Windows widgets and GTK2 widgets on Linux.
The other tools used are Photoshop (for the main map) and Ultra-Edit for all the text files.
The game design documents are all made on OpenOffice.
most of the pictures are converted in SVG with Inkscape, resized and reconverted in bitmap (i don't have an engine for use SVG directly.
The Windows development platform is an Athlon X2 3800+ w/ 2Gb and a 7900GTX, the Linux one is a Sony laptop Duron 1Ghz w/ 512Mb and Debian + Gnome
Hideyoshi - Bâtisseur du Japon Moderne (in french) - Danielle Elisseeff - 1986
www.maproom.org - Map of Japan in Provinces in Time of Ieyasu
- Feudal Map of Japan in 1615
Ogasawara Clan Genealogy
Samourais, Les Guerriers du Japon (in French)
The Samurai Archives Japanese History Page
Wikipedia - With all the information about castle, battles, fiefs, clan and retainers.

Map and GUI updated in the win32 version.

Map and GUI updated in the linux version.